37 Terms All Real Estate Investors Should Know

37 Terms All Real Estate Investors Should Know

Real estate investment has a vast array of terms and concepts that are crucial for investors and landlords to understand. Here are the key terms that are significant to real estate investing and that every investor should understand. 1% Rule: This rule suggests that for an investment to be profitable, the monthly rent should be at least 1% of the property's purchase price. This guideline helps investors quickly gauge a property's potential return on investment. 1031 Exchange: Named after a section of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, this provisi…

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How to Know if Your Rental Meets Safety Standards

How to Know if Your Rental Meets Safety Standards

As a landlord, it is your legal and moral duty to ensure that your rental property is safe and habitable for your tenants. This responsibility not only protects your renters, but also safeguards your investment from legal and financial liabilities. The following guidelines provide a comprehensive checklist to help you evaluate if your rental property meets the necessary safety standards. Heating Systems Proper maintenance of heating systems, including boilers and furnaces, is crucial to prevent fire hazards and ensure tenant comfort, especially…

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Why Successful Real Estate Investors Partner with Property Management Companies

Why Successful Real Estate Investors Partner with Property Management Companies

Real estate investment can be a lucrative venture, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges and responsibilities. This is where property management companies step in, providing vital services that can help landlords and rental property investors maximize their returns and minimize their headaches. Understanding the role and benefits of these companies is crucial for anyone in the real estate investment business. What Is Investment Property Management? Investment property management involves the oversight and administration of real e…

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Can You Sell a Property Occupied by a Tenant?

Can You Sell a Property Occupied by a Tenant?

How to Sell a Property Occupied by a Tenant Are you considering selling a property that is currently occupied by a tenant? Perhaps you're wondering if navigating the complex world of real estate transactions with a tenant in place is even possible. Selling a property with a tenant in it can be challenging, but with the right knowledge and approach, it can be accomplished smoothly and successfully. So, let's dive in and discover how you can effectively do this without compromising tenant rights or your chances of a successful sale. Understandin…

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How to Boost Your Rental Property’s Curb Appeal

How to Boost Your Rental Property’s Curb Appeal

The interior of your rental property may look pleasing, but to gain more interest, you’ll need to focus some effort on the exterior as well. Most landlords ignore the positive impact that a charming curb appeal can have, since it comes with additional costs. But fixing up the outside of your property doesn’t have to break the bank. Just investing some time and effort can easily bring more prospective renters to your doorstep. Tips to Enhance Your Property's Curb Appeal New Paint Though repainting can be timely and costly, it really goes a long …

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