If you’re seeking to attract renters to your property, you should focus on crafting an excellent ad and creating a real estate listing that engages potential tenants more.

Remember that you’re competing against several ads on property listing sites and you want to draw in more viewers by presenting a desirable property description paired with outstanding photos.

Your goal is to inspire the prospective tenant to reach out and make a property showing request.

This article covers ways you can increase your ad visibility and attract multiple prospective tenants. This way, you’ll soon master creating great property listings.

Here are some tips to follow when writing an effective property listing:

Convince the Reader With the Opening Statement

It’s crucial to have an excellent start when writing a marketing copy of your rental unit. You should make readers want to find out more about the property.

You should consider the words you’re writing and the tone of the piece to increase a prospective tenant’s desire to keep reading the entire property listing.

With the right words, readers can be receptive and will be open to the rental you’re marketing. Take care not to use vague words. It’s also recommended to develop an emotional pull so potential tenants will contact you after they finish reading it.

Talk about the superb features and amenities of your rental space in your opening statement to build up interest.

Learn How to Write the Best Headlines

Headlines are critical since they grab the prospective renter’s attention and lead them to thoroughly read your property listing.


Your headline must be powerful enough to capture the attention of your target market. The headline must contain vital information such as the property’s location and your rental unit’s best features.

Among the possible things you can mention are the architectural style or property type and the amenities you provide. Note to avoid exaggeration since it can turn people off when you sound too salesy. Cultivate emotional connection to inspire the audience to want to live in your rental property.

Try not to use too much jargon, exclamation points, or bold letters everywhere. These can leave negative effects, so it’s best to deliver strong headlines that are clear and direct.

Select the Right Words to Create Results

One of the best ways to write an excellent property listing is by listing what makes your rental property stand out from others. Then you can think about the description that fits.

The best choice of words can make prospective residents imagine what it’s like to live in your rental space on a day-to-day basis.

The words you use must appeal to your target market. The more fitting the description, the more it entices potential tenants to rent your unit. Use active verbs and action words since they engage readers more. With limited word space, you must make the marketing copy concise but detailed.


It can also help to have a ready list of words you can use to insert in a property listing. Crafting a superb narrative of your rental property also works by stirring more interest.

Highlight the Most Unique Features

What are the main features of your rental unit? This should be described at the beginning of the marketing copy. Think about your property’s competitive edge over other similar rental homes.

You should also be aware of the amenities that your target market prioritizes and promote them in the property listing.

Offer Details While Remaining Brief

Though readers are seeking information about your rental space, avoid flooding them with too many details since it can feel overwhelming. Try to create property listings that contain around 200 words or less.

Ensure your copy contains the following information:

  • Property address
  • Size of the unit
  • Rental rate
  • Number of bathrooms and bedrooms
  • Top amenities

These are the kind of details that tenants want to learn before they meet up to sign a leasing agreement with you.

Did you recently renovate your rental unit? If yes, you can mention the upgrades you’ve done.

Know what makes living in your property convenient. Talk about the distance of the bus stops, train stations, schools, or malls.

You can also mention the neighborhood where your property sits. Is it near a park? Or does it have a recreation center or sports center? Writing about it can increase your prospective residents’ interest.


It’s also advisable to state if it’s nearby any entertainment district or local attractions. How near is it to the city center? If it’s a short distance from popular places, then make sure to include this information to capture the interest of more potential tenants.

Adopt Positive Language in Your Marketing Copy

Avoid mentioning negative features of the property. Though your rental unit may not be constructed recently, it still offers several good points.

To attract a renter successfully, use a positive and persuasive tone. You can only convince prospective renters if you manage to emotionally connect with them without using negative words.

Always look at the bright side of a rental property’s features. For example, a small property can capture the attention of minimalists who prefer staying in a more affordable and cozy environment.

If your rental lacks a huge yard, you can still talk about your balcony, patio, or extra rooftop space, where the renters can cultivate a garden.

Be aware of the tone of your marketing copy and keep things lively to generate more interest from potential renters.

Bottom Line

Writing a great property listing entails using the right words and tone to gather more interested residents. If you’re seeking a property manager who has expertise in marketing a vacant unit, contact JTS Property Management today!